The Value of Play in Innovation and Kick-Starting Brainstorming

Step into the buzz of Collective Results’ spring team retreat. This was a dynamic, fun, and productive day that focused on using play to spark innovative, candid discussions. Below, each dream team member shares their personal reflections on the day, offering a glimpse into the impactful outcomes of our whirlwind day of collaboration.

Liz: Going into this retreat we knew that we wanted to engage the full team in deep conversations about our long-term vision for CR and our strategic priorities. To balance out this deep thinking, I had my children pack my van full of their outdoor toys…they questioned what a group of adults would be doing with these?! They had fun with this and filled the van with hula hoops, balls (basketballs, soccer balls, footballs), nerf blasters, pylons, corn hole, badminton, hockey sticks, bean bags etc. We ended up taking a morning “recess” and entered into a friendly obstacle course making competition. It was so much fun to get outside and play unstructured games together! My mind felt refreshed and ready for deep thinking after this! 

Amy: This quarter’s CR retreat was focused on celebrating what makes us unique, and I really appreciated the opportunity to do this in-person with the Dream Team. I was excited to start the day by sharing a long-term vision for CR. It was a great opportunity to articulate the vision that had been floating around in my head, and to collaboratively build on that vision to create something we were all excited by. The rest of our day included a mix of activities designed to get us thinking creatively about our unique value as a company. I can’t wait to start incorporating some of what we developed into our website and the materials we use to talk about CR. Stay tuned for more on that!  

Brianne: I always look forward to retreat days for the chance to connect in person, work collaboratively on some foundational CR elements, and of course, have some fun. Our morning recess was the highlight of the day, with lots of creativity, teamwork, and laughter as we built and tackled some stellar obstacle courses. I learned many things about my frolleagues that I never knew. For example –  Ishan gets some serious height when he jumps, Tin is a master hula-hooper and Liz can ace a shot from the top of the key. It was the perfect way to take a break and connect outside of the meeting room. It was clear we all returned to our meeting space amped up for some insightful conversations and brainstorming!

Lauren: It was great to reconnect with my colleagues after what was a very busy time of year for our team! We spent time talking about our exciting long-term vision for CR, which prompted me to reflect on how far we’ve come and how much we can accomplish as a team – the sky’s the limit! I also had a lot of fun getting active outdoors and enjoying the spring sunshine.

Audra: Having “recess” at our retreat gave us time to play and work together as a team in a different way and it was a lot of fun! Playing games outside on basketball courts may seem irrelevant to the work we do, but it wasn’t – after planning obstacle courses and then playing together I felt energised, connected to my colleagues and like the creative ideas were flowing. Fun is often seen as frivolous, but I think it’s crucial for our well-being and for CR on Monday it facilitated great discussions about our long-term vision!

Ishan: The CR team in-person retreats are some of my favourite days of the year! I really enjoy sharing space with the team and taking time to both plan for the next few months and reflect on what we accomplished and worked on since we last were together. As someone that enjoys in person meetings, the sharing of stories, the laughter and the chats are what energise me most. Looking forward to our next retreat before the summer already!

Michi: I can’t believe Spring is already here and it was time for another CR retreat! My colleagues never disappoint–bringing the fun to our retreats and we got outside and had “recess”. We discussed the long-term vision for CR and how we might get there and also, what is our unique contribution to the consulting world. Stay tuned to our website – changes are coming!

Visioning activities often take a lot of creativity and require activation of different parts of our brains. I very much appreciated the opportunity to take toys and sports equipment to create an obstacle course. It was such a joy playing around with the equipment and finding fun and unique ways to use the equipment. I felt refreshed and energised coming back to the meeting discussions. I am looking forward to what unfolds with CR’s work over the coming months!