Collective Results has had a busy and exciting year filled with meaningful and impactful work! One trend that we observed in 2023 is an increasing interest among our clients for in-person services, primarily driven by a desire to build and foster relationships and strengthen collaboration.
Collective Results is here to support you in the format that works best for you, whether virtual or in-person! While so much great work can be accomplished online, it is always really great to connect in-person too!
We wanted to end the year by showcasing some of the in-person facilitations that we have led over the past year. We are looking forward to seeing and working with new and returning clients in 2024!
Leadership Retreat

In March 2023, Amy had the opportunity to facilitate a 4-day leadership retreat for one of our long-term clients. Amy worked with the client to plan an iterative retreat, starting with the program director, and then including the senior leadership team, and then including the whole management team. The retreat focused on building a vision, strategy, and priorities for the department, developing principles for working together, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and building leadership team culture. It was a wonderful opportunity to support the development of a team through a time of significant internal and sector change, and to have some fun while doing it.
IEMHP Community Planning Day

In April 2023, Amy and Melissa had the pleasure of travelling to beautiful Barrie, Ontario to facilitate an in-person community planning day around Infant and Early Mental Health (IEMH) Pathways. This was a fun and productive event that raised awareness about IEMH in the community and explored the roles that different organizations might play in the implementation of the pathways. It was wonderful to see organizations connecting and exploring how they could work together to provide access to high-quality, reliable, and evidence-based mental health services for children and families.
Community Planning and Accountability Workshops

Throughout the year, Amy and Melissa had an opportunity to deliver community planning and accountability workshops in communities across Ontario – from Dufferin County, to Muskoka, to North Bay. These workshops give participants an opportunity to learn and practice using tools to move from planning to action quickly at program and community levels. We love helping communities uncover new tools to support their collective work and impact!
User-centered design workshops

Audra and Amy had the opportunity to facilitate multiple user-centered design sessions with system partners in Muskoka, Nipissing, and Parry Sound who were working on redesigning a component of a regional mental health service. We used design thinking principles, community engagement, and facilitated activities to help the group design a service that meets the needs of their community. We incorporated capacity building around user-centered design.
COVID-19 After Action Review

In the Spring of 2023, Liz and Brianne had the opportunity to support Haldimand Norfolk Public Health with a COVID-19 response after-action review (AAR). For this project, CR provided neutral and objective data collection, analysis, facilitation and recommendations for future emergency responses. The in-person facilitation began by establishing a shared understanding of the COVID-19 response by reviewing the data collected by the health unit and CR. The session used engaging CQI exercises, including a fishbone diagram, to determine root causes of the top concerns identified, and a PICK chart to prioritize brainstormed solutions. Information gathered during the facilitation was used to inform the AAR recommendations.
Organizational Structural Review